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contact hamiltro for the best website design contact@hamwebs.com

A free Saturday afternoon workshop for people who have websites and who wish they knew a bit more about how to get the website to work for them. 

“Everyone needs a website” is something everyone understands to be true these days. But then what? Is it supposed to be magic or what do you need to do to make sure it is as effective for you as it could be? Does thinking about it seem overwhelming?

There’s no one strategy that fits all scenarios but two hours of conversation about this with a group of ≤ 8 people who come to discuss nothing else will definitely give you something to take away and bring you more benefit.

When: Saturday, September 14, 1:30 – 3:30pm

Where: 321 West 24th Street, #5B (corner of 24th & Eighth Avenue; near Chelsea galleries…)

What: structured conversation to uncover missed opportunities and things you can do

Who: you and 6-7 others who want to reach more people  (and more targeted people) with their work.

Refreshments will be provided.

NB This workshop is not limited to my clients and there are no ties attached. I’m more interested in getting a diverse group of web-users together to uncover issues that easily get buried under the carpet. 



A free Saturday afternoon workshop for people who have websites and who wish they knew a bit more about how to get the website to work for them. 

“Everyone needs a website” is something everyone understands to be true these days. But then what? Is it supposed to be magic or what do you need to do to make sure it is as effective for you as it could be? Does thinking about it seem overwhelming?

There’s no one strategy that fits all scenarios but two hours of conversation about this with a group of ≤ 8 people who come to discuss nothing else will definitely give you something to take away and bring you more benefit.

When: Saturday, September 14, 1:30 – 3:30pm

Where: 321 West 24th Street, #5B (corner of 24th & Eighth Avenue; near Chelsea galleries…)

What: structured conversation to uncover missed opportunities and things you can do

Who: you and 6-7 others who want to reach more people  (and more targeted people) with their work.

Refreshments will be provided.

NB This workshop is not limited to my clients and there are no ties attached. I’m more interested in getting a diverse group of web-users together to uncover issues that easily get buried under the carpet. 


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