This client had an older website and needed a more contemporary look as well as a reorganization of content to accommodate their program changes. The purpose of the new site was to simply present the organization’s mission and the range of work the organization is currently funding (rather than to directly invite either new funding for their work or new applications for support for grantees).

The organization funds initiatives in several very different areas (transformative learning practices, arts and humanities education, support for indigenous communities, environmental programs and education applications of cultural collections). A major design requirement, therefore, was that the site could both communicate the range of programs covered to a general visitor and enable those looking for specific information to find it quickly and easily.

The site features a slideshow of banner images on the homepage which cover all five program areas. Image-links to the separate program areas are provided further down the homepage. Each single program section continues the imagery associated with it (and includes further images from projects that have been funded). A mini-mission statement is prominent on the homepage.

The result is a site that is visually bright and clear, making it easy for visitors of all interest levels to understand the organization’s work and find the information they are looking for.

web design for a non-profit organization

web design for a non-profit organization - about the organization page

web design for a non-profit organization - areas of focus indigenous peoples page

web design for a non-profit organization - applications page

Category: non-profits